
Finding Your Passion: Igniting the Fire Within

Finding Your Epic Passion: Igniting the Fire Within

At some point in life, we all try to find what drives us. Finding oneself out is a deep affair of looking at one’s character and personality and goes after identifying what one really wants and makes him happy and proud of himself. By this word, we do not mean passion as an interest that comes and goes easily; rather it is an intense craving towards anything that matches with our fundamental principles, convictions or natural endowments. This is because without which we would stop and stay where we are or even go backwards hence posing questions like; “what next?” or “where to?”

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Overcoming Self-Doubt

Overcoming Self-Doubt: Best Strategies for Boosting Self-Confidence

Self-doubt is a common phenomenon arising from comparisons and many expectations that leads to questioning of one’s abilities and loss of esteem. This is an enemy we have all met severally because it prevents us from developing as individuals, kills our dreams and makes us feel low. However, there is hope! But don’t worry, there is hope! However, we should remain positive! Overcoming self-doubt and developing inherent belief is possible once certain techniques are applied and one changes how he or she reasons about things.

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The Path to Self-Discovery

The Path to Self-Discovery: Release Your Passions and Purpose

Do you sometimes wonder why you exist when in certain situations? These are disturbing questions that we cannot escape from such as “why do I exist?” and mostly arise when we are deeply engrossed in a particular activity where we take time to think about ourselves. It’s possible that you’re going through a phase where you don’t know what to do with yourself, or conversely, just passing empty days without any real sense of accomplishment? However, each person’s journey for identity and self-discovery should be considered unique yet crucial too.

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