Taking Action

Breaking Through Limiting Beliefs

Breaking Through Limiting Beliefs: Unlocking Your True Potential

Have you ever felt like you have so much potential that is not being utilized? Do you always doubt your capabilities and feel like your beliefs are too confining? If yes, then you should know that it is not just about you. A great number of individuals have self-oppressive ideologies which prevent them from attaining their maximum potential. However, one can overcome such limiting beliefs and realize their true potential.

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Harnessing the Power of Visualization

Harnessing the Power of Visualization: Manifesting Your profound Dreams

Close your eyes and imagine living a life in which everything you want and wish for is easily obtained, where there is nothing but happiness, wealth and meaning. Humans are capable of making their dreams come true since they have been given this inherent faculty called manifestation, the key of which lies in the power of visualization. With the aid of visualization, we can conjure up mental pictures of what we wish for and make them come true in reality as well as shape our environment towards meeting those goals at the deepest level.

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Living with Purpose: Aligning Your practical Actions with Core Values

Amidst the many things we could do and which keep us busy in the world today, most individuals have a feeling like there is something important missing from their lives. We wish for a life that will follow what we believe and value at the bottom of our hearts; this word refers to individual person. Every day we want to experience real living – living with the purpose and meaning when we can affect and change things around us but not just exist and be forgotten. To have reasons for doing something makes one’s personality better because it helps him or her develop fully as a human being and be truly happy.

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