Dexter Matthew

Living with Purpose: Aligning Your practical Actions with Core Values

Amidst the many things we could do and which keep us busy in the world today, most individuals have a feeling like there is something important missing from their lives. We wish for a life that will follow what we believe and value at the bottom of our hearts; this word refers to individual person. Every day we want to experience real living – living with the purpose and meaning when we can affect and change things around us but not just exist and be forgotten. To have reasons for doing something makes one’s personality better because it helps him or her develop fully as a human being and be truly happy.

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Finding Your Passion: Igniting the Fire Within

Finding Your Epic Passion: Igniting the Fire Within

At some point in life, we all try to find what drives us. Finding oneself out is a deep affair of looking at one’s character and personality and goes after identifying what one really wants and makes him happy and proud of himself. By this word, we do not mean passion as an interest that comes and goes easily; rather it is an intense craving towards anything that matches with our fundamental principles, convictions or natural endowments. This is because without which we would stop and stay where we are or even go backwards hence posing questions like; “what next?” or “where to?”

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The Power of Gratitude

The Power of Gratitude: Cultivating Appreciation for a Fulfilled Life

Gratitude is not just a polite way of saying thank you; it is also a state, a disposition, and even a virtue that can greatly enhance our lives. This chapter digs into gratitude, its benefits, the science behind it as well as how it can strengthen different aspects of our lives such as; relationships, resilience among others and overall well-being.

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Developing Emotional Intelligence: Enhancing Your Relationships and Well-being

Greetings to all! Thank you for joining me in this very detailed blog about nurturing emotional intelligence, which is key in promoting better relationships and a healthier life in general. Through the course of this article, I will define emotional intelligence, look at its different parts as well as offer a few ways by which one might develop such skills. Emotional intelligence, otherwise known as EQ, is very important in determining how well we are able to comprehend, control as well as portray our individual feelings.

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Unleashing Creativity

Unleashing Creativity: Discover Your Inner Artist

Hello! Do you want to discover who you really are and how imaginative you can get? Today’s topic is interesting because it will center on creativity and ways through which we can bring out that inner artist in ourselves.

This post is suitable for anyone starting out on a project as well as those looking for tips on restarting such projects. It will serve to keep in touch with your inherent creativities and revel in the fun of expressing yourself.

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The Importance of Self-Care

The Importance of Self-Care: How To Nurture Your Body, Mind, and Soul

Hello! I trust you are okay. My discussion today concerns a very essential issue that we usually set aside while engrossed with activities: taking care of yourself. Every day in this high-speed world we find ourselves having to attend too many duties, taking care of other people’s needs, beating deadlines so as to achieve what we target. Amidst all these, we tend to forget the most crucial person amidst our presence; ourselves.

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Embracing Failure

Embracing Failure: Promote Setbacks into Stepping Stones

Most people associate failure with bad things. Therefore, they believe that one must take measures to prevent failure. But I think otherwise; failure is inevitable in life, and it should make us wonder because through such failures we can become better persons. Truly, some of the biggest historical accomplishments are products of failed efforts.

This article goes further into embracing failure and converting tragedy into a ladder for success. Knowledge about what failure really means and taking on board the kind of character that bounces back all help open up who we really are so that we may maximize our inherent talents and accomplish striking feats of greatness.

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Mindfulness in Daily Life

Mindfulness in Daily Life: Release Presence for Inner Peace

Hi! Today, I would like us to explore something that has really changed my life for the better – mindfulness in daily life. It is very easy to lose touch with who we are anymore due to all the rushing about in our daily lives; we may also be engulfed by disorder. However, through being attentive, one can keep at peace inside and be able to overcome any trouble or issue.

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Creating Healthy Habits

Creating Healthy Habits: Sustaining Positive Change in Your Life

Hello! I’m very happy today to discuss about something which changed me completely; making healthy habits and remaining in the right course always. The truth is that in this fast moving world, which demands so much from us, it can really be difficult sticking at times with taking care of ourselves for now in order to ensure better future later on. Many times than not we are engulfed with lots of duties such that we cannot spare any minute for rejuvenation activities and taking care of ourselves. But don’t worry! It’s possible to leave behind those old ways, overhaul your life, and turn everything around so that you get what you deserve – a great and enjoyable life.

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Overcoming Self-Doubt

Overcoming Self-Doubt: Best Strategies for Boosting Self-Confidence

Self-doubt is a common phenomenon arising from comparisons and many expectations that leads to questioning of one’s abilities and loss of esteem. This is an enemy we have all met severally because it prevents us from developing as individuals, kills our dreams and makes us feel low. However, there is hope! But don’t worry, there is hope! However, we should remain positive! Overcoming self-doubt and developing inherent belief is possible once certain techniques are applied and one changes how he or she reasons about things.

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